Oct 17, 2010

Lazyness + New Sem?!

Above, is my adorable cat - Islam. Dad called him that cos me and my sis can't seem to agree on a name for him. We tried Ah Chang (Orange in canto), Orangey, Oren...even up to Comel. Yeap, y'all get the idea lol So Islam sounds great....somewhat reminding us on 'the way of life' plus he's really2 cute =D (I guess every pet owner find their own pet the best/cutest ay?)

But then again, that's not what I'm talking bout la. When I look at my cat, it equals lazyness...he's a cat after all and cat sleeps at least 14 hours a day AHAHHAHA. Talk about a fat lazy ass ay? Today is actually the start of my new semester but since Adik still got some school going on...I HAD to stay back with her =P Ehehehehe...aren't I the smartest gurl in finding a valid excuse for all the shit I cause lol. Still, I can't beat the cunningness of my sis's school teachers. Tell you what, just cos PMR ended last week...in order to make sure their students come to school the following week (which is today) They lied that today is the day to choose their 'aliran' (art/science stream). When I heard this, I was like WTF? SO fast, bukan kena tunggu result PMR dulu ke o.O

And yeappppp....guess what? I was right. They just got some random 'ceramah' going on as usual (to fill in slots during school days). Sigh, what a waste of time when I could've come back yesterday =P (yelah tuuu...as if I wana go back to Melaka that badly LMAO! It's an oven there!)

Still, this sem won't be as bad as the previous ones =D Weeeeee~ This is because....*drum rolls* my adik is going to be staying with me for the whole 2 months xD YAYYYYY!!!! O wells, it's a blessing in disguise for me since my parents would be going for haj on the 1st of November (yeap, ironic, a day before ehem ehem's birthday) =P

I guess that's all for now. I bet my friends in uni misses me the very same as I miss them *gulp* Hope so =S


  1. Hahaha alasan An nak memonteng memang 1st class!

    So Atiqah ada kat melaka 2 minggu la nanti?
    Waaa best best, boleh lah the four of us have an adventure together, lol.

    Oh btw an, just nak inform, no mooting class today, hoooray! Jadi keputusan nak ponteng seminggu ini adalah terbaik, haha. :P

  2. bukan 2 minggu jeeeeeee...like 2 months!

    wow, didnt we make the right decision afterall xD
